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①Digit height: 0.50  inch
②Dimensions: 25.00 x 19.00 x 8.00 mm  
③Digit quantity: two pieces   
④Available Emitting color: high bright red/yellow green/yellow/amber/high bright blue/high bright white/pure green 
⑤Surface color: black/gray (white epoxy) 
⑥Epoxy colors: red, milky, blue, green and more 
⑦Polarity: common anode/common cathode 
⑧Operating temperature range: -20+60 degree Celsius 

①High luminous intensity output
②Low voltage and current operating
③Ultra-low power consumption
④Solid-state LED chip based
⑤Long life-span
⑥Easy mounting on printed circuit board and sockets
⑦IC compatible
⑧Certificates: RoHS and SGS

①Audio equipment or instrument panels
②General use for digital indicators
③Multimedia product
④Bank exchange rate display
⑤LED clock display
⑥D(zhuǎn)isplay for gas station and other various display areas of equipment/machine

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